Charikot–Dolakha has arrested one person on Wednesday for alleged raping her daughter for the past seven years. According to the police, the girl, 17, has been admitted to her daughter-in-law, Dulkha, district police office on Wednesday. Police said that the victim, who had been raped by the police, had repeatedly threatened to fear the fear of the victim.He has arrested him from Charikot. Police investigating the investigation, adding that the person is investigating the deadline for seven days.
Arrested on his own father in charge
Posted By: दीक्षण दैनिक ७ बैशाख २०७६, शनिबार २०:४६
७ मंसिर २०८१, शुक्रबार १९:३४
ePAPER 2081/08/07
७ मंसिर २०८१, शुक्रबार १२:३८
अनाधिकृत घर तथा टहरा हटाउँन मेलुङ गाउँपालिकाको निर्देशन
७ मंसिर २०८१, शुक्रबार १३:०२
‘गौरिया’ चामलको माग बढ्दो, खेती घट्दो
७ मंसिर २०८१, शुक्रबार १२:५६
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